Championship Matches

BMC-024: Eduardo Challenges Olivier for the Sexfighting Title

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Olivier won the Sexfighting Championship from Annie and defended her Title against Kandice. He was getting ready for another hot female Challenger, but it’s Eduardo who wants to wear the Belt whose bearer has hot women lining up around the block for sexfights. How will this be decided? Since the Champion must be the best at giving women orgasms, this is exactly what they’ll be doing: pick a female partner and make her cum!

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BMC-020: Kandice Challenges Olivier for the Sexfighting Title 2

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Two weeks ago, Kandice challenged Olivier for the Sexfighting Title and their torrid sexfight ended in a tie. Since no Champion would settle for such an unsatisfying result, they’re facing each other again, with the Belt still on the line. Only this time, they’re in the No Holds Bar Pussygon. Will Kandice be the new Champion or will Oli keep his Belt?

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BMC-018: Kandice Challenges Olivier for the Sexfighting Title

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Olivier surprised everyone by beating Sexfighting Champion Annie last month and taking the Belt to the guys’ BMC website. Of course, as expected, challenges started pouring in almost as soon as Annie squirted the first drops of her submission, and Kandice got to be the lucky one. Will she bring the Belt back to the women’s League or will Oli prove that his victory against the twin wasn’t a lucky shot?

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BMC-014: Olivier Challenges Annie for the Sexfighting Championship

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Annie won the Sexfighting Title from Jolene in July so it seems weirdly appropriate that Jolene’s ex-fiancé Olivier would make a play for the Belt. Aside from holding the Couples Title with Jolene, it’s the first time he challenges a Champion. Will he be up for it? Annie’s defended her Title against her twin Anna and against Brad so far, and she never faced Olivier at anything, so a lot of unknown variables here!

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BMC-004: Brad Challenges Annie for the Sexfighting Title

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Back in April 2016, Brad was Sexfighting Champion and Annie challenged him for his Title, only to ride his cock into defeat—her defeat. Tonight, the roles are reversed; Annie’s wearing the Belt and Brad wants it. Will he be able to accomplish what she couldn’t?

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BONUS: Click HERE to download the zip of their last Championship Sexfight.

BWL-768: Paul Challenges Mimi for the BWL Championship

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The last time Mimi faced Paul, she challenged him for the BWL Championship and took the Belt from him in a heated kickboxing battle (BWL-583, Nov 2015). Tonight, Paul will try to do the same thing to Mimi. He’s won his last three official BWL bouts and took some time to beat Cindy in an impromptu beach fight, so he thinks his chances are good. Of course, Mimi disagrees, so I guess we’ll see who wears the Belt at the end of this fight.

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BWL-738: Denise Challenges Brad for the BWL Belt

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Brad won the BWL Belt by defeating Cindy in a kickboxing match, but he hasn’t defended his Title yet. Meanwhile, since her unsuccessful Title match against Prudie back in April, Denise has beaten her boyfriend David and sexy Kim to be eligible for yet another Title match—and this time, she’s not leaving without the Belt.

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