16 throughts on "BWL-579: Big Mack"

  1. Just a word to tell you I appreciate feedback–bad or good. I DO prefer the good one, but I appreciate the honesty, the courage it takes to complain and the time spent articulating what you don’t like so I understand and can use it.

    I work alone in a 10 x 10 little office. Sherlock is half a continent away. You guys are like my coworkers. I’ll never understate just how much I appreciate every single comment.

    I DO take all your points into consideration, and I DO have a plan. Even though I don’t always use the ideas you give me, I consider each and every one of them carefully–and sometimes I’M surprised to see some of them show up later, even after I discarded them.

    I just never want you to think I don’t take what you write into account. I’m not THAT full of myself–yet 😉

    1. I appreciate what you do here for who knows how many years. Though it may not seem like it at times, I know I can come off as harsh, but I understand the storylines are limited, there is only so many ways, you can win lose and react to it. You have a slew of characters so of course you’re going to lose focus on some.

      Regardless I don’t expect the Mystery of Marie Roget, I do appreciate the effort you put forward.

  2. Kim I think is set in stone as a placeholder for variety, but newer characters are free reign for the creative control, and the flavor of the decade is behemoth tits. I had an inkling this would happen to Mack, like it did Prudence who I though was far hotter when she was introduced than now. It is tough creating new stories for a limited medium. This is an adult wrestling site and Entropy and crew do a good job creating vingettes and trying to keep up with a big roster of characters and the sparse updates as far as individuals. If Entropy ran one storyline at a time arcs would play out much quicker, but then people would complain that they are not seeing their favorite fighters. Entropy can’t win in this circumstance. Say if you took Megan and France’s story arc and ran it straight it would last three months tops, but I would stop paying while it ran, and wait for it to end. The Jen Cindy David saga if ran straight through would take probably five or six months, then others who hate them would not pay to see it.

    So this is what we have, and Entropy is running it the best he can to try and please everyone. Don’t lose sight this is an Adult wrestling site, the stories are limited.

  3. I’m really disappointed with the boob job. Mack was fine before. Part of her charm was that she lacked the ridiculous gag boobs almost every other girl has and had a more natural appearance to her.

    Now? Now she’s just another slutty ego-centric bitch who thinks that she’s totally super hot shit ONLY because she has giant boobs, done solely for the sake of pandering to the majority fan base who drools over the gigantic gag boobs.

    I wonder what the next big surprise will be. Maybe Kim, after losing confidence in her abilities as a fighter/sexfighter on the 35th repeat of that story arc, will regain her confidence by getting herself a boob job, giving the tiny Asian girl France sized tits.

    I dunno if Entropy’s just falling into a rut and running/ran out of clever ideas, or if all the sites money and matches are based of commission work now or something, but honestly it feels like there hasn’t been much of anything special or unique going on lately.

    I mean cmon, lets get a story arc of some kind going, or lets see a new character or two, or let some of the long time losers/joke characters, like Kandice, who actually is talented, but been BURIED in the same exact “Loses to Hani ALL THE TIME” story arc for years, or the twins, who do…well, pretty much nothing except fight each other or get destroyed by anyone else, actually step up and train or at least HAVE a BWL match.

    I know, I know, everyone reading this is going to tell me to keep my mouth shut and all that, but all I’m saying is it would be cool to see things get shaken up in some way or see something different happen, instead of the same old, same old all the time with the only new thing being a character’s look and appeal being ruined by getting a misguided boob job for no reason.

  4. Oh Entropy…. Entropy…. how could you?!!! ….it’s soooo mean to small girls….. ok…ok ….I am biased…. but why, why?…. Mack was perfectly adequate and she had all the guys just where a girl wants them…. I know back in the fifties American women…. well those who could afford to…. preferred not to use their breasts except for teasing…. but surely by now those deprived guys have kind of grown out of it… and the younger ones don’t seem to object to smaller girls…. as long as we are what my gran called ‘ healthy girls’….
    Please can I raise just a teensy complaint….. way back when everything was much more limited and frames had to be fewer ….. yes I know …. I can see why it was necessary to make huge jumps in the story …. but now ? ….I mean ….. I know Matt was at his dumbest but we still need a frame to see what a girl can do to get on top…. else the story loses credibility and the wrestling gets lost … and ….ok ok I know… I won’t be popular…. but it’s true … it’s running the risk of becoming less BWL and more just a silicone bitch rat race…. and … come on boys… be honest… where’s the fun in that?

  5. Really like the new Mack! Her and Sophie have had intense contests in the past, I think this will up the ante.

  6. The one thing I don’t like is the ridiculously oversized breasts of some of the characters. You didn’t go too overboard with Mack, but why mess with her in the first place?

  7. Entropy, may I ask you some questions here?

    1: Why did you decide to give Mack a boob job?
    2: Do you still offer custom images?
    3: Why do you so rarely update the current champion picture on the right? Caribe lost the championship over 6 months ago.

      1. Entropy said he was doing a big clean-out of the site a few months ago. As for the REALLY old stuff (back when it was Basement Mixed Combat) he told me in e-mail that it’s probably on some disk somewhere & finding it may never happen.

  8. Groan, she was a better looking character pre-boob job. I liked that her & Kim were sexual dynamos but had among the smallest assets. The new bust looks out of place on Mack.

    1. I completely agree she looked better and actually gave us a completely different body type then we had seen befor she had the smallest bust of all the girls now she’s like all the other characters kind of disapointed with this direction

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