BWL-557: Regine Challenges Paul for the BWL Belt

BWL-557_CoverRegine and Paul used to be lovers. Then rivals came between them and now, they’re both with other lovers. Reg is with Brad (they reached the Finale of the Couples Tournament on and Paul is with Megan (after she stole him from Caribe in a sexfight). But old lovers—they always have lingering issues. And what better way to settle them than a TDC kickboxing match?

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5 throughts on "BWL-557: Regine Challenges Paul for the BWL Belt"

  1. ..oooooh!!!… no balls – no foul …no more.. ! …v. v. v. interesting…. beware boys… Robin was doing a girl thing… not e x a c t l y failing to tell the truth …. but………..!!
    …whoo hoo Entropy … you clever boy…I was wondering how you would manage to create a believable way to eventually dethrone Paul…and better still … I was getting a teensy bit disappointed but now I’m really intrigued… I’m looking forward to seeing how are you going to handle this one… ‘cos I remember…there’s been previous ‘ not e x a c t l y failing to tell the truth’ … and what was it… oooh yes honour… with BWL girls of Entropyland ????…. oh yes….

  2. Let’s see if Robin is actually a neutral party as things get on. To me it looked like she was favoring Regine, but for whatever reason Regine wasn’t having any of that. If she does that in any of the other mixed battles the guys may as well simply leave the league, not that any of them had stellar records to begin with.

    I always thought that if Theo left Tania would take the ref reigns. Her refereeing a Mackenzie fight being an interesting dynamic on it’s own.

    I agree with ForeShadow on Paul, apparently Meghan is a bad influence on him.

  3. do you think you could find a way to get robin to ref in someway in bustysexfights, I would certainly like to see a sexfight in the actual wrestling ring with vibrators on the turnbuckles.

  4. Well well well,new ref new rules. Good , the one way low blow rule always seemed stupid & hypocritical .

  5. I really like Robin. She adds an interesting narrative dynamic. I love the soap opera stuff with Theo and having his bias compromised, but I also love how Robin changes the dynamic by being more desirable than Theo.

    Theo was always a less active part of the matches because the men and even the women could ignore him, while Robin attracts attention from both, making her more active (as she does here with Regine). It adds another layer to the fight when they have to worry about how Robin perceives them.

    I also like that she offers a different bias than Theo in that she’s a woman…the challenging of the “No Balls no Fault” rule was great! She’s very active and lively as a character and I feel her presense will make the mixed matches way more interesting because now the men will not have ‘Bro Code’ to fall back on.

    Changing the status quo is always a good idea in an ongoing narrative…it keeps things from getting stagnant. This is a good change!

    Great stuff! One of the more interesting mixed fights for me in awhile! Always like Paul. He’s a great character. The core of Paul’s character has always been that he’s honorable…so it’s a nice character beat to have Robin challenge that honor when he states the “No Balls No Fault” rule. The “coward’s victory” line was great! This was a very nice piece of writing!

    Keep up the great work!

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