BWL-559: Tough Cookies

BWL-559_CoverAs you recall, during her recent long BWL Championship reign, Mimi—or should we make that Myriam?—defeated 7 of the 8 Basement boys on TDCs. The man that got away was Eduardo, the Argentine Adonis and Myriam’s former lover. Ed didn’t exactly get away; they fought to a double-KO draw on BWL-539. Neither was satisfied with that outcome, hence this rematch, but since the Belt is not at stake, it’s not quite the same thing.

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9 throughts on "BWL-559: Tough Cookies"

  1. So when are we going to see Mimi ‘glam slam’ someone? We know she can! And I laughed at the ref comment also.. Thanks!

  2. …woooo-hoooo boys… I hope you know your birds… those pretty robins with the red…. well ok dark pink… breasts are very aggressive… especially when it comes to what they see as… ahem… ‘their territory’….. and as for the new rule well the guys are going to have to come up with something … ooops … other than that… ok ok I admit it … they do it very nicely… but …but… if any of them think Mimi gave Ed a hard time …. Ok ok I know… I’ve done it again…. well … a girl can do a lot worse than that !!
    … oooooh … I almost forgot… see what I meant boys … about Robin … and the way we girls have of not exactly misleading…… … remember Robin Paul and ‘cowardly’ …. what she said was “ in future ‘no balls will be a foul’ … and what do we have … hmmmh…. let me see… I wonder what it will it be…. …could it be….
    …”Oh sorry guys I seem to have been misunderstood … it seems to have become ‘balls – no foul’ … and… well no I can’t change it now… that would be sooo confusing… “
    …and .. by the way … BWL guys ….were you paying attention…I bet you weren’t … you are really in for a hard time … she didn’t actually say so … but I bet it won’t only apply to blows…!! … ask Don about the French connection guys… and I guess Jenn must have done pretty well at school …. she seems to … er… know how to get to grips with a hard subject … the girls are going to have a lot of fun… what are you going to do about it guys…? … I’m waiting…!

  3. I think it’s actually 9, she didn’t fight David either, I don’t think. He was the BSF title holder at the time though.

    1. No she defeated David right befor she fought Cindy and I think that was befor he was the sexfighting champion

  4. ‘Contractually obligated’ to wear a referee leotard. Presumably she signed that contract with Tania, right? So male refs can dress normally, but female refs have to dress in stripperwear? That seems sexist against women, from Tania. Very weird.

    1. Actually it doesn’t seem that strange to me at all. Seriously think about it we know that Tania is sexually attracted to women so I’d imagine that when she first met Robin she might of thought to herself “Wow, she’s looks amazing, I bet she’ll look even better in a sexy leotard” or something along the lines like that.

      Also let us not forget that above all else Tania is a business woman and as we all know sex sells and having a sexy ref in a one piece bikini thong will most likely sell even more tickets to these matches.

    2. Hi Schooltombstone… it ‘s like I mentioned before… and ok.. I know it’s wrong but it’s great for us! We can flaunt ourselves as much as we like when we want to….and… bitch about being treated as sex-objects in the next breath…AND…kick you in the balls if you argue… come on boys… do you really think Robin objected to the ‘contractual obligation’ just because she called it that… she was drawing extra attention to what it was showing… just like she was so emphatic about not being impressed by Ed’s …er… physique…. AND not by Myriam eIther… does that mean she prefers small neat and powerful… …in Entropyland…. come on!

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