BWL-587: Who Wears the Pants?

BWL-587_CoverHere’s something you don’t see everyday—in fact, you’ve never seen this match-up before: France and Chip in the Pit. Our author in residence, creator of the popular series of Johnny Moxie mystery novels, is still working his way through the roster of Basement beauties. Health club membership picks up sharply after the New Year, so our fitness trainer may be squeezing Chip into her schedule before it gets too crowded.

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12 throughts on "BWL-587: Who Wears the Pants?"

  1. Hi boys…you may have noticed I’ve been quiet lately….( despite the guys’ predictably feeble performances…!!)… ‘cos I guess you guys have read my views often enough but … woweeee!!!… what happened this week ??!!…where can I start??
    …well how about Matt… you know I think he’s no worse than most of the scheming self- centred bitches in the league… but even I wouldn’t put Chip in the same class !… Matt is a man …that’s his character… and since none of the girls deserve any respect (except in the ring!!) his attitude is not out of place… but Chip is a character and he’s a man that some of the girls kinda like ‘cos he’s certainly fanciable .. well I think so …and boys… that’s something I do know something about !
    ..and then … Entropy !… oh Entropy… what are you saying? Are you sure you are French-Canadian, or even just Canadian? Are you sure you aren’t from over the border? …you overrate us girls and wildly underrate men… and again that’s something I know about…it’s as if you were some sort of …what do they call the down there?… pussy-whupped something or others… you know … they always do what mommy said and always think and say what their wives and girlfriends require them to… thank goodness I found one or two ..(well I’m being a polite and modest girl today)… real men without having to look in the backwoods…ones who could scent feminist propaganda at a thousand paces .. the sort a girl could be proud to have been laid by…and oh yes… taking one by surprise is even better ‘cos he doesn’t run home to mommy…he comes back to try to get his revenge.. which is ….yummy !!
    …and hey what has the Prof done to upset you ? …just ‘cos he’s usually absolutely spot on … look guys.. I’ll put it this way …. he’s so spot on he scares me …and I’m past the age when I’d be flaunting my tits for the camera… if a photographer had ever noticed them!!

  2. In the long run they are placeholders, and geldings for the females and their story arcs. Even when one of them has a dominant win over one of the females it is more about her dealing with it, than the male fighter winning. When a male holds the title is a build up for him getting dethroned, the focus is never on the male.

    1. Yeah I know.

      It’s just… mixed fighting is my ultimate fantasy, & BWL is just about the best place for it online. Knowing the blokes are 2nd tier elements within it is irksome.

      1. See, this needs to be clarified.

        To me the guys are just as important as far as characters are concerned–with all due respect for Chaz’s opinion on this. Of course, in the course of a month, we get to see 6 girl and only two guys, so quantitatively, I have less space to develop them. But that’s NOT the point I want to make.

        To me, us guys, we’re simple folks. We do what we say and we think the same. If Chip gets into a fight and gets horny over his opponent, that’s what he thinks about, because, well, as a guy, when I get horny, THAT’S all I think about. Sex is about getting an orgasm and fucking a girl. It,s about fun and sometimes a bit of power play.

        A girl is more complex. She rarely likes a guy’s dick and just think about fucking him. She’ll always be thinking about how much HE likes her, and how maybe he likes her BETTER that the other bitch. They’ll be thinking about their feelings and their complexity, and about the repercussions of the act itself. In short, even at their most basic, animalistic moment, girls have a million things going on in their mind, while they guy she’s fucking is just thinking, “Wow! Big boobs!”. The most “complex” guy is probably Leblond, because he over-analyses everything.

        So yes, the BWL guys DO seem a bit more shallow, but that’s because they ARE–because we ALL are. To me, it’s realism. Not a lack of interest.

        1. Well if you do think they’re as important it does not show, even with the understanding of their limited schedule. Guys may have simpler needs than girls, but that does not mean they are less complex. Especially during sex. Mind you there are girls that seem like place holders as well, they are just meandering in the league with no drive, occasionally scoring directionless wins, mostly serving as stepping stones for the main event titans. It is understandable you can’t feasibly create deep story arcs for everyone in such a large roster, many will slip through the cracks.

          I dunno if the 16 Year Lagavullin I’ve been drinking is clouding my thought train and I am rambling incoherently, but even if you care about every character on the roster here, it is a large one, and there are those who are back burner brawlers, most of the members of this “elite” group of bottom feeders are the men of this league.

        2. Didn’t mean to offend Entropy, & it doesn’t affect the overall quality. Also, I know I personally couldn’t pull off anything this large with so many characters, so I cannot criticise.

          1. Yeah I didn’t mean to be offensive… For a change … It just seems that way or else we wouldn’t have posts saying you’re crazy for thinking Chip would beat France.

    2. ….hi ChasL…well yes I kind of agree but I’ve had a look back and…well I think to be fair to Entropy just about every champion’s story is a lead up to getting dethroned… The disappointing bit for a girl is not that the guys lose…beating a guy gives a girl an extra thrill and …well…with Entropy a girl can get plenty second hand as it were …but the guys are almost always suckered…sexed… skilless …or any combination of all three… I wonder… has anyone noticed if any of them have a ‘signature’ move or skill…?

      1. True, but I was speaking about where the focus lies. Technically every title holder that carries the belt for any amount of time should go out with a bang.

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