9 throughts on "BWL-599: Ash Tagged"

  1. While I agree the guys seem to be geldings for the ladies to trod on, the last match these two had together, if I remember clearly was a rare case of male dominance.

    1. …hi Chaz… ok… but what about 551?…. Petr let himself be taken for a patsy by a schoolgirl trick…and didn’t he let Jenn kick him around in an earlier encounter..? …it’s so disappointing when the guys are sooooo easy to take…. I was soooo pleased when Petr sorted out Louise ….not that I’ve anything against Louise…it seems it’s always the girls who come up with imaginative moves…. which I assure you is not realistic! …and that’s what makes it all a lot more fun !!
      …I know…I know… It’s Entropyland and it’s still the best … but it could be better still… and I think… …I think… it wouldn’t need more drawing work… would it?

      1. That is quite a memory on you. Right down to the fight number. I actually forgot about BWL 551 and had to go back to look it up.

        Well that match went par for the course. I agree the guys are usually doormats. There are a couple of exceptions.

      2. I remembered the on one the beach where the Hulk Hoganesqe tanned Blonde with ridiculous Anime Sailormoon pigtails was present. I forgot they met again for 551

  2. …yesssss!! …with you all the way SchoolTombstone… and it’s soooooo unnecessary… been saying so for some time… but …and it’s a bigggg but… what a hold !… my only grump…and it’s a very tiny one really… is that with the leverage Jenn had on his shaft… Petr wouldn’t be talking …he’d be absolutely HOWLING … SCREAMING for mercy !!!
    ….so…. how about this ? … with the new open season …very realistically … on the guys nuts… and sex-judo shaft holds back again…( wasn’t it Jenn who started it when she gave Don a serious surprise back in BMW18..???) … then pleeease can we have the guys upping their game… showing better skills… because they reeeeeeally need to …else it just demands excessive and unnecessary total suspension of disbelief… they don’t have to win more … though a few more would be much appreciated by the girls… but they do need to be worthy opponents …
    …Petr was too casual… he acted as though he wasn’t vulnerable to our girlie tricks… and found out he was …big time… it’s such good fun using a guy’s ‘weapon’ against him … the look on their faces ….!!!
    …good story boys… but pleeease…pretty pleease… I don’t think I’m being unreasonable … and it needn’t affect the overall results…

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