BWL-617: Hanging by a Thread

BWL-617_CoverMackenzie challenged then-Champion Paul in a Pit fight a little more than a year ago and lost. It was Mack’s last fight before she got breast implants. But during that year, a lot of things changed. Prudence pummelled her new boobs so bad that Mack had to undergo a tragic breast reduction. And it so happens that Paul is now Prudie’s lover.

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2 throughts on "BWL-617: Hanging by a Thread"

  1. I don’t often have much to say about the F/M fights, but I LOVED this one!

    Such great writing in the characters…their internal monologues and the clear emotiional stakes. The novelty of the fight, using Paul’s overwhelming power, and Mack’s ill-chosen swimsuit…beautifully executed! And I love the end, because it shows why Paul is a great character; I love his shame at his victory and how he achieved it. I love that Paul is an honorable guy, and that this was not a fight he feels proud of. Great writing!

    Good stuff guys!

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