4 throughts on "BWL-625: Welcome, Mel!"

  1. whaaaaaa ..??!!! …ok ….ok I know the BWL guys have been doing better lately…but this???? …was the poor little darling getting ty ty…. couldn’t work out what to do in a kick boxing match when his fists weren’t working… good for Mel …she took it all and came up with an answer…. but brainless hapless Brad… so dumb.. so stupid…so FEEBLE !! … way back when he met Kim in the second ( I think it was …….?) MF fight he was getting beaten by little Kim but …at least Kim was an experienced BWL girl…. …yes …yes I know he managed to win …eventually … which is why this is bad…bad..BAD!! ….. ooooh I’m sooooooooo ANGRY…!!!!!!

    1. xljubljana, I’ll admit that was my first reaction too. But remember BWL-515 when Chip (a guy with 1 official match to his name) beat Jen for the BWL Title, when she dropped him on her own head?. I’d say it’s fairly even all things considered.

      1. Hi SchoolTombstone…. thanks for trying to help … but… well… it’s like this …yes …yes… I see the comparison in the result but…but…but …it’s not that!!! Jen wasn’t getting tired…Jen wasn’t out of ideas…far from it… she had Chip pinned down helpless in a very imaginative (…and very sexy) …hold …she wasn’t being spineless…she had new moves… she was being adventurous and …and…and… she wasn’t being FEEBLE…..
        ….look I know it may be hard for guys to believe…especially these days… but a girl wants…(maybe needs..??) to be able to admire a man…yes… even when she has fought you off …even when she’s kicked you in the balls, thrown you around a bit, and got you tied up in a sex-judo hold… she still wants to be able to feel that though she has defeated you …though she has taught you a lesson about girls’ self-defence…though she has you under control … this time…
        …. you are a man she will certainly respect next time… and please would you try again….soon!

  2. I don’t know why, but I thought Melanie’s first opponent would have been a woman.

    Still this was a pretty good first fight for the newbie and I look forward to seeing her first official female opponent.

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