3 throughts on "BWL-645: Resurfacing"

  1. hey boys come on! … what’s a girl to believe? …ok ok …I know … suspension of disbelief and all that …and I see why too… and I can guess you have reason to rehabilitate that witch Cindy… but pleeease… Petr out for revenge …ok … Petr in frame 5 …Cindy says ooooh he’s fast..! …. in frame six all of a sudden he’s slow… and by frame seven he’s inept… !!! … at least that was true !
    … but why why why is it necessary ? … he’s out for revenge … he knows he’s going to get the chance at last… and too much Hani and slacking in the gym…. huh… !
    …… as my old gran used to say ( and if half the stories are true she was definitely ‘a healthy girl’) …it won’t wash…
    … ok ok it doesn’t make sense …suspension of disbelief …yes…ok..
    …but… if it unnecessarily doesn’t make sense …it spoils the story… and … …and ..
    …I’m v.v. sorry SchoolTombstone… I did appreciate your generous peace making … honestly… but apart from Petr beating Mimi and a win by Matt !!…the last dozen mixed fights have included such hapless… helpless… feeble performances from the guys … it’s soooo sad…

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