BWL-736: From B to D

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France and Petr faced each other four times and France only won once, back in September 2006. In their last fight, the brunette was KOed in the Pit. Today’s the perfect day for her to get some payback, especially since she never faced him in a kickboxing match. So she’s eager to face Petr AND to unveil a surprise for her BWL fans.

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2 throughts on "BWL-736: From B to D"

  1. I think it’s clever to have a visual way to show how France is ‘rebuilding’ her confidence. It’s a smart indicator of her progress…we’ve seen her broken down; the Dark Twilight of the Soul as screenwriters would call it; to her lowest point, and now we see the upward trajectory to her triumphant return. Tying this into her breasts, seeing her literally SWELL with confidence, is a clever conceit, while also addressing the reality that it takes time to get that big; filling and multiple surgeries.

    It’s no secret that I’ve been loving the Mini-France arc, and this was a good entry into it! I like the idea of Petr trying to start shit between France and Jenn, which is a low-key rivalry that has never really gotten it’s full due. Whenever France faced Jenn in the past she usually overwhelmed her completely, and there were a few early BSF entries where France was particularly dominant with Jenn in a way that we’ve never really seen with Jenn…she was more submissive to France, and France a little bullying. I’d love to see that explored…was it that Jenn reminded France of the girls that used to bully her, so she was getting a little payback? Was it that Jenn was, on some primal level, submissive to France’s status as an Alpha, marked by her superior breasts?

    I’m just speculating…this is the kind of stuff I like. ^___^;;;

    Either way…this was great!

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