After last week’s Title MMA fight between Champion Brad and Challenger Denise, we conducted some post-fight interviews. SPOILER ALERT! If you didn’t watch the fight yet, DON’T READ THIS!
Brad, you defended your Title! How does it feel?
Brad is ecstatic! It’ll be an HONOR to wear Denise’s G-string for him before it gets its rightful place in the Losers Collection.
You think Brad’s a LOSER for having this collection?
I mean that he collects LOSERS’ G-strings. Every woman in there lost to him. It’s really HOT.
There would be MORE G-strings if you hadn’t failed to secure Prudie’s.
And there would be WAY MORE if his BITCH of an ex Regine didn’t lose the one he took from Sophie AND didn’t MAKE HIM to throw away all the G-strings he already had.
Brad, you ripped Denise’s top off right away.
Yeah, any other girlfriend would be so INSECURE about that—like does he like her boobs more than mine? But I know he wanted to make her LESS confident. It was all a MIND GAME and it worked. Now he knows he’s free to rip any of my tops off—and he knows he’ll be handsomely rewarded! Denise’s ugly boobs wouldn’t pay the rent if she came to strip at my club, so I sure ain’t worried!
Brad, you wore a suit that was clearly inadequate if you got an erection—and Nikki gave you one before you walked into the ring. Were you hoping the fight would turn sexual?
Bitches use their bodies to distract the men all the time—I know because I use MY body to earn a living. I think Brad’s VERY distracting, so I always ask him, “Why do you wear this sad mime suit?”
It’s the Joker, from Batman.
Whatever. Why hide what turns every woman on? If Denise ain’t satisfied with David, what’s wrong with Brad taking advantage of it?
One last thing, Brad: do you know who’ll be your next Challenger yet?
I can tell you I’LL be the girl who’ll strip the Belt off him tonight, that’s for sure! And I can’t wait to wear his next Challenger’s G-string. I just hope it’s not fat Melanie; her G-string sure won’t FIT ME!
Thank you, Brad.
Denise, I thought I’d be interviewing a new Champion. What happened?
What happened is Brad was so sure I could kick his ass that he pulled out every stop to make sure he’d beat me. Why does the BWL allow girlfriends in the ring before a fight? Did you see David with me? No! I don’t need a man to hold my hand in the ring, and if Brad needs his mommy with him, maybe the BWL isn’t the right place for him.
You think it was their plan to distract you?
That CUNT got in my face right away and got me pissed. Of course she wanted to switch my focus AWAY from her wimp of a boyfriend. I’ll tell you something: if Nikki wants in the ring so bad, how about she tries to FIGHT? I’d LOVE to punch her hypersensitive TITS and show her she DOESN’T have what it takes to be in there.
How did you feel about having to please her?
Again, if she wants to FUCK ME, I’m ready for her! I’ll sexfight her at the No Holds Bar anytime. But if she gets off on reaping the fruits of her man’s fight, it just shows how WEAK she is!
And how do you feel about contributing to Brad’s collection?
That whole thing is so IMMATURE! It should be considered as a stupid thing to do and be ignored. And yet, I have to admit it got to me real bad. To have the G-string I wore in a fight I lost EXPOSED like a TROPHY—it puts my defeat on display in a permanent way, like it can’t be erased—like it’s a permanent stain on my pride. And knowing that CUNT will wear it to fuck that JERK—again, she can’t get him hard by herself so she mooches on his opponents’ hard work.
Do you plan on trying to get it back?
I don’t know. I mean doing this kinda validates the whole point of his damn collection. It’s like if it’s worth going through the fuss of getting back my G-string, it means the collection means something to me. I’m not sure I’ll challenge her specifically for this purpose, but if I ever find myself on the No Holds Bar stage with her, you can bet I’ll demand that she wears it!
It’s been 10 years since your last Championship. Back in 2008, you won the Title from Kim and defended it against Sophie and Matt before losing it to Jennifer.
It was a good run. And don’t you worry; I’ll wear the Belt again, and I pity the fool who’ll try to take it away from me.