BMC-115: Lucky 13

big breasts bimbo blonde young girl naked topless in dirty MMA mixed fight with low blows and breast punch
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After winning the 12th piece of his G-string collection by besting France in an Oil of Olé fight, Brad is ready for the 13th. “I’m not superstitious at all, so I’m sure beating Prudie will be a piece of cake. I DID beat her before after all.” Prudie doesn’t agree. “No way I’m giving a SECOND G-string to his horrid collection like Mack did!”

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4 throughts on "BMC-115: Lucky 13"

    1. Download it again. It has been corrected. As I explained on Discord, I had a million technical problems with this one…. Sorry about a less than perfect job.

      1. My bad, I didn’t realize someone had already pointed it out to you.

        Still, this story was great, even with one mistake.

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