BWL-539: Eduardo Challenges Myriam for the BWL Belt

BWL-539_CoverBWL Champ Myriam has creamed 7 male challengers on the Basement roster and tonight she finally faces the eighth and last: Eduardo. She has been looking forward to this for a long time. Quite a while ago, Ed dumped his long-time lover Caribe in favor of Myriam. A few years later, he just as unceremoniously dumped Myriam for Mackenzie. You know what they say about a woman scorned.

Ed knows, too, and he’s not about to allow himself to be sacrificed on the altar of Myriam’s vengeance. Aware that she has been putting herself through a grueling training schedule just for this bout, he has also been subjecting himself to tougher workouts than usual. Let’s see who prevails.

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8 throughts on "BWL-539: Eduardo Challenges Myriam for the BWL Belt"

  1. Talk about unfair, Mimi has to pussyfoot and avoid accidentallystriking Ed’s balls, while he has free and wild access wailing on her bosom and only scores his undeserved KO with a blatant knee to the crotch! The guy lost and should be dq’ed plain and simple, no need for Mimi to sully her hands, there are more worthy challengers waiting imo.

    If there is a rematch, let’s go the Pit, Mimi should wrest a screaming submission from Ed as she crushes his scroat…… Then Mimi and Caribe can ‘celebrate’ a job well done ????

    1. …wellllllll….. maybe …. but we girls use our puppies very effectively… Ok ok I know ….it doesn’t work so well for us little girls…. but even I can put them to good use…. I would like to agree with you but I can’t imagine a use for balls in the ring… I’m no great fan of Ed…. he always seems to me to be holding back… and more ready to give up than he should be… boring though it was, at least this time he didn’t just fold… though how an experienced guy left himself open to two head shots takes some suspending of disbelief! ….here’s hoping for a better show next time… especially from Ed…. I’ve seen enough of so-called ‘super Mimi’….

  2. ……oooooooooh….. you naughty boys….. keeping a girl waiting…. …..well I suppose it’s often better fun after a wait…. but I still say what I’ve said this time and before… and just hope I’m wrong…. for once…. just this once….


  4. We want you readers to know that BWL-539 was outlined & written BEFORE any of the speculative outcomes for it were posted on the BWL-538 blog. It was fascinating to see what some of you readers thought would be the outcome between Challenger Eduardo & Champ Myriam. As this posting’s final caption says, the BWL is always full of surprises.

      1. I prefer to see it as a collaboration. You guys react and throw ideas and flashes, and that all gets mixed up with our own ideas and–hopefully–the best floats to the surface!

        1. ….me too… it’s no fun if we know what’s coming… well… ok… we know in general but it’s like meeting a new man…. the fun is not knowing how it’s going to work out…. and now we have to start all over again… will it be the pit or wrestling…. or what..? … is it Tania who gets to choose? ….. is she open to pressure…. like Theo?

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