BWL-541: When the Cat’s Away

BWL-541_CoverPrudie has been nagging Tania incessantly about getting a spot on the BWL roster. To shut her up, Tania said just before leaving for her Christmas vacation, “OK, you can fight a test match while I’m gone…if you can find anyone who’ll fight you”. Tania knew that almost all the regulars would be off & probably away for the holidays. As luck would have it, Prudie manages to find a willing BWL regular to wrestle her: Chip.

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14 throughts on "BWL-541: When the Cat’s Away"

  1. …..ok…I’ll revise my statement… dumb AND brainless… don’t guys know that girls talk… about the men they’ve played with …(well actually not when it’s serious but that’s another matter!)…. we can even have ‘league tables’ … and especially which men are a challenge… ok…ok… it’s not universal …. but if a girl ‘wins’ she wants to move on to a better challenge… she may use him as a ‘warm up’ if she’s wanting some practice before a better challenge… but if she ‘loses’ she will be back to ‘get’ him… to prove herself… and move on! …. a few subtle feelers have confirmed this from ‘the men in my life’…. …I reckon the real surprise is why the girls in Entropyland aren’t demanding new… and better… men to play with…. men with better fighting… and sex-fighting… skills….
    …oooooh don’t I wish !!

  2. Please keep in mind that the BBS (Basement BookShelf) still exists to allow our loyal subscribers to exercise their writing talents. You are welcome–indeed, invited–to create your own version of how this Prudie-vs-Chip match may have played out. You can even concoct entirely new matches, ideally with at least 1 of our other Basement characters.

    Entropy & I don’t contribute to the BBS because we have the whole BWL & BSF to keep us sufficiently occupied. The BBS is for you, so please take full advantage of the creative opportunity it presents for your work to be posted online & available for other Basement subscribers to enjoy.

  3. How about introducing a couple of south asian (indian/pakistani/sri lankan/bangledesh girls. Since Prudie isn’t a roster fighter yet.

  4. I had to look up what Activating Flame Shield is.

    On to your points.
    1. We just saw them. Though I agree it is odd the rematch did not take place immediately which it usually happens that way.

    2. Well no arguments there. I will try and put myself in their shoes, He’s a dude, ” fighting” a chick he considers extremely hot. This was mostly him banging Prudie. If I was in a ring with a girl I considered smoking hot and she started tugging at my unmentionables, I doubt there would be much fighting involved.

    3. Like the Twins it’s weird I agree. If they were real people it would be gross Though I don’t care for they are not.

    4. I agree as well, but that is the most common theme in Mixed fighting. If you look up Mixed matches it is possibly one time in a plaid moon that it is not the guy just sandbagging it, and letting the woman do as she pleases. I am with you that it does nothing for me.

    But hey Prudie is a member, I just preferred her old look so hey, I am happy for her fans.

    1. I totally I agree but it should also be noted that this was not an official match so win or lose this won’t go on Chip’s record so why even bother. Also who wants to work during their holiday vacation I sure as hell don’t so Chip may have “half-assed it” but there’s a reason why.

      In any case at least both of them ended the year with a “BANG”. LOL

  5. (Activating flame shield)
    That sucked. All of it. Every bit.

    1: I was expecting Ed vs Myriam
    2: The bloke falling for the sexy act for the umpteenth time
    3: Pru sex-fighting a guy while thinking of her mother is bloody gross
    4: Chip’s half-assed effort, willingly putting up no fight

    Very disappointing

    1. …. Hi Schooltombstone… …..welll…. yes and no…. did you really expect Ed and Myriam? ….I remember avidly reading your comments years ago….you must have noticed how Entropy’s been teasing us lately… Pssst…don’t let on we know…. and as for the sexy act well …even I can’t believe they are all so dumb…and some have resisted very effectively on occasion …so I reckon they like it… most men are arrogant enough to treat it like a sort of handicap….
      …..Pru sex-fighting and thinking of her mother…. well no… not her mother but the roster manager…. and yes a girl can think of her mother when sexfighting….firstly her mother usually taught her the basics…. secondly she’ll be wondering how her mother handled her father…. gross? ….nah… Much more normal than you’d think!
      ….Chip not trying…. or Chip actually showing an ability to think? … how about this….. “….Pru wants onto the roster…. I can beat her…. so if she’s on the roster my win ratio improves… in the meantime I can have her… and if I don’t try too hard she’ll think I’m easy meat next time when it matters…..”
      …..however, as you may have noticed from my posts, I thoroughly agree about the guys acting dumb…. I’m just not sure if it is ‘halfassed’ or brainless !

      1. For many guys, I might even suggest most, such ‘dumb’ behaviour is more akin to wish fulfilment, the contest becomes another more extended form of foreplay but the physical victory is much less a priority than the sexual one.

        As to Pru, like Tombstone, her age and relationship with her mother are aspects, despite the fantasy angle, I do not feel entirely comfortable with.

          1. She first appeared in 2009 when she came home after dropping out of College. She had just turned 18 then. So, yes, she’s of legal age and has been for a while–although she likes to play the Lolita

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