BWL-633: A Fuck in the Road

bwl-633_coverWe try NOT to stage matches pitting lovers against each other…but aren’t always successful. We don’t want to put any undue strain on a relationship between two highly competitive people. This time Regine and Brad asked—no, insisted is more accurate—not only that they fight, but that the do so in the Pit. That unforgiving venue was never intended for settling lovers’ spats, but nothing could dissuade them. So, let’s see which is stronger: Regine? Brad? Or their relationship?

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5 throughts on "BWL-633: A Fuck in the Road"

  1. And to the shock & surprise of no-one, Regine beats Brad again. Seriously, this is the 4th or 5th time it’s happened.

    1. Nope, only the third, although you’re correct about Reg being 3-0 vs Brad. They’ve fought in BWL-120, 172, & this 633, with Reg winning all 3. Perhaps if they split as a couple, Brad could work up enough emotional distance from Reg to beat her sometime in the future.

        1. No offense taken. Constructive criticism keeps Entropy & me on our toes. We try not to let any character win too consistently over any particular opponent, unless there’s a good story arc reason (like when Mimi kept trouncing Caribe during their early encounters). We DO read all these comments & try to accommodate many of the ideas they present.

          1. When I’m not having a tantrum, I do understand that this site is fairly even & balanced. So you do succeed most of the time.

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