BWL-635: Big ImPRUvement

bwl-635_coverPrudie’s last BWL victory dates back to February when she defeated Mackenzie in a titfight. Since then she lost to Paul, Sophie and BWL-hopeful Jayanti, so she hopes she can start establishing her credibility by beating David, who’s more focused on his love triangle with Louise and Denise.

Members, click HERE to see this fight

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3 throughts on "BWL-635: Big ImPRUvement"

  1. Hi boys… I’m kind of needing some masculine help on this one… ok ok … I can just about see how it is possible that a grown man who is getting beaten in a fight by a girl… can think the ref might be interested in him if he wins… but then how can he let himself be given a kicking by an overgrown schoolgirl like Prudie… he didn’t try to show any skill… he didn’t try to change his tactics…he didn’t even try to kick her ..not once…
    I thought I knew my way around the male mind but this… and yes …I know it was David but away from Cindy he’s not usually totally useless …look boys …I admit it … I’m lost… help ! …advice.. guidance…something …Pleeeease !!

  2. I know this is of topic but just wanted to let you know that it’s really starting to look like are internet in the uk is about to get heavily censored. if you get an email from the BBFC talking about needing age verification for your site to be shown in the uk just IP block the uk, honestly you’d be better off cutting the uk out, your content is also more likely to violate the BBFC’s rule’s of what porn is allowed in the uk anyway.

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