BWL-639: The Spoiler

bwl-639_coverSince his last match in September, Don’s been focusing on training his girlfriend, BWL’s newest member Melanie. Since her last match in September, Kim’s been focusing on defending her Sexfighting Championship Title and letting her breasts heal after her Titfighting defeat against Meg. Both of them want to start 2017 with a victory, but only one can.

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5 throughts on "BWL-639: The Spoiler"

  1. Hi boys…. poor Kimmie… poor girl… she nearly had him three times… but come on boys what’s happening in Entropyland…? Don winning and on the floor…(sorry …old habits … I meant mat) …and I did like the…er…accuracy …of Don’s comment in 19… nice touch boys!…
    …but …you see…that’s not the important bit….
    …look what happens to Don… Don who is training Mel… caught like a schoolboy by a flying kick… …punched… thrown high and hard onto his back… by Kim !!…desperately struggling to avoid having to tap out immediately to an arm bar…to a girl half his size… …twice!!!!
    …well !! …come on guys….what’s any girl going to think? …I’d be checking Don’s record… and it wouldn’t be long before I decided I might quietly get some …er…mentoring… from one of the girls… some of their tricks …sorry…experience…might be useful…
    …anyone want to bet how soon Mel will be pestering Tania for a go at say Chip…or David… and after that …if all goes well … and it probably will because they will underestimate her… she’ll be building a reputation against the guys… how long before she’s whispering to Tania … …..
    … ….“please…pretty please…can my next one be … …………. Don?”

  2. I’m really hoping that this match wasn’t a set up for Kim to lose the sexfighting belt that’s what happened when she got beat by France the first time she was the champion she lost control in a championship match against Don and lost the bwl belt then France destroyed her for the sexfighting belt also how has Kim never defeated Don

        1. I never read the old mixed fights so I think I’v only seen the five that she lost still losing five times in a row to the same person is just bad

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