BWL-641: Lotsa Moxie

BWL-641_CoverWriters! Dey don’ listen. Dey live in some ’maginary worl’ in deir heads an’ don’ har’ly never go out onto da mean streets o’ da real worl’. Take Chip, f’r instance. He’s about t’get hisse’f locked inna Pit wit’ dat blon’ frail Jennifer—only she ain’ so frail as he t’inks. See, dis Jennifer dame lives inna real worl’, an’ Chip? He’s rattlin’ aroun’ in ’is fan’asy worl’ wit’ me. I’m Johnny Moxie, an’ I carry a gat.

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1 throught on "BWL-641: Lotsa Moxie"

  1. It will be interesting to see how Jen’s reinvigorated resolution fairs against the stiffer competition in the league.

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