BWL-700: Take Five Again

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Our 700th match finds Raging Regine facing off against Powerful Paul in the boxing ring, with Robin on hand to keep everything from getting out of control. They haven’t swapped leather for 3 years, and Reg is over-eager for a chance to improve her 1-3 record vs Paul. He needs an ego boost after losing an oil fight to Tania earlier this month. And Reg recently lost a TDC to Paul’s girlfriend Prudie.

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6 throughts on "BWL-700: Take Five Again"

  1. As I stated before, the rules are strictly storyline to create the illusion of a official league with guidelines. We shouldn’t hold these rules as actual law. Entropy does what he wants, it’s his league. For example Denise could rack up 7 wins, while Petr hits a 5 win streak. Megan gets her second win straight and challenges for the title. It makes no sense, to be honest he should just do away with the two win rule, it only causes grief among fans of ignored fighters.

    I honestly think Entropy should have a bracket system so everyone gets equal time.

    1. Personally, I like the two win rule it makes winning the title that much more worth it, unlike the old days when who ever wanted a title shot go ahead and get it all you have to do is beat the champ twice that never made sense to me.

      And although it may cause grief to the fans, that’s actually a good thing since it shows Entropy how much we care.

      However, I’m not completely opposed to the idea of a bracket system, but I think it should be well thought out before being implemented.

      1. Showing that people care is the only good thing out of your fan’s grief, other than that it is completely negative.

        The two win system is a good rule, if it held any weight and wasn’t sparsely implemented. From the last conversation about this, I think School Tombstone or someone brought up a few competitors one who had up to a seven win streak.

        Entropy is going to make champ who he wants when he wants, the two win rule is just there to give a mirage of structure. A bracket system would be good but probably take too long because there are only four updates a month.

  2. ….and maybe another wee one…just to show I’m paying attention… …commentator saying Reg is now 1-3 with Paul….. ?

  3. Just a little fact correction, but Sherlock did say “Past performance is not an indicator of future results” here in the BWL site and not on BSF site.

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