
BWL-577: Kim Challenges Paul for the BWL Belt

BWL-577_CoverWhen Kim impulsively entered the ring to battle Chip on BWL-573, we were so surprised that we overlooked that it was her 100th match. Sorry for that oversight, Kim, but now you’re embarking on your second 100 with a Title Defense Challenge against BWL Champion Paul—in the Pit, no less. Even 100 fights haven’t slowed down the Amazin’ Asian one iota. As for Paul, he’s wary of being overconfident.

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BWL-573: Little Man, You’ve Had a Busy Day

BWL-573_CoverFresh from his unexpected victory over former Queen of the Hill Nikki Summers just last week, the new BSF usurper Chip puts on the gloves to play rock ’em sock ’em with cute Kandice. Neither has been a stellar performer lately but there are always plenty of surprises lurking in the shadows of the BWL. Which underdog will come out on top when the dust settles from this kickboxing bout?

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