BWL-654: Ride ’im, Cowgirl

BWL-654_CoverThree months ago, Denise and Eduardo faced each other in the Pit. Ed dominated most of the fight and punished the diminutive redhead’s body, but in the end, a fatal mistake turned a sure victory into a tie. And with such competitive opponents, a tie is never an acceptable outcome, so tonight, they meet again in the Octagon to settle the score.

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NOTE: The LAST frame of this story was missing upon publication. It’s fixed now. Sorry!

BWL-651: Exes Get the Square

BWL-651_CoverIt’s highly irregular for a Champion to do a non-Championship fight, but Megan needs to do that if she wants a mixed match—unless Paul wants a shot at the titfighting Title! She faced him before and made him work very hard for his victory. Since that fight, Meg stole Paul from Caribe back in November 2014. They were an item for a while and even vacationed in St-Tremblé together. Then their relationship ended and nobody really knows what happened. Now, Megan’s about to face him in the Pit, where the only way to win is by KO.

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BWL-641: Lotsa Moxie

BWL-641_CoverWriters! Dey don’ listen. Dey live in some ’maginary worl’ in deir heads an’ don’ har’ly never go out onto da mean streets o’ da real worl’. Take Chip, f’r instance. He’s about t’get hisse’f locked inna Pit wit’ dat blon’ frail Jennifer—only she ain’ so frail as he t’inks. See, dis Jennifer dame lives inna real worl’, an’ Chip? He’s rattlin’ aroun’ in ’is fan’asy worl’ wit’ me. I’m Johnny Moxie, an’ I carry a gat.

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