
BWL-559: Tough Cookies

BWL-559_CoverAs you recall, during her recent long BWL Championship reign, Mimi—or should we make that Myriam?—defeated 7 of the 8 Basement boys on TDCs. The man that got away was Eduardo, the Argentine Adonis and Myriam’s former lover. Ed didn’t exactly get away; they fought to a double-KO draw on BWL-539. Neither was satisfied with that outcome, hence this rematch, but since the Belt is not at stake, it’s not quite the same thing.

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BWL-539: Eduardo Challenges Myriam for the BWL Belt

BWL-539_CoverBWL Champ Myriam has creamed 7 male challengers on the Basement roster and tonight she finally faces the eighth and last: Eduardo. She has been looking forward to this for a long time. Quite a while ago, Ed dumped his long-time lover Caribe in favor of Myriam. A few years later, he just as unceremoniously dumped Myriam for Mackenzie. You know what they say about a woman scorned.

Ed knows, too, and he’s not about to allow himself to be sacrificed on the altar of Myriam’s vengeance. Aware that she has been putting herself through a grueling training schedule just for this bout, he has also been subjecting himself to tougher workouts than usual. Let’s see who prevails.

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